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Integration Profile Management

Search Criteria

284 APE Antepartum Education
Antepartum Education
Trial Implementation
285 APHP Antepartum History and Physical
Antepartum History and Physical
Trial Implementation
286 APL Antepartum Laboratory
Antepartum Laboratory
Trial Implementation
296 APS Antepartum Summary
Antepartum Summary
Trial Implementation
300 APSR Anatomic Pathology Structured Reports
This content profile describes an anatomic pathology structured report (APSR) as a CDA r2 document to be published towards a document sharing resource such as a shared electronic health record used by a community of care providers, relying on one of the infrastructure 
document sharing/exchanging profiles defined in IHE ITI TF.
Trial Implementation
261 ATNA Audit Trail and Node Authentication
The ITI Audit Trail and Node Authentication (ATNA) Profile establishes the characteristics of a Basic Secure Node: It describes the security environment (user identification, authentication, authorization, access control, etc.) assumed for the node so that security reviewers may decide whether this matches their environments. It defines basic security requirements for the communications of the node using TLS or equivalent functionality. It defines basic auditing requirements for the node. The profile also establishes the characteristics of the communication of audit messages between the Basic Secure Nodes and Audit Repository nodes that collect audit information. 
Final Text TF
259 BPPC Basic Patient Privacy Consents
The document sharing infrastructure provided by XD* allow for the publication and use of clinical documents associated with a patient. This profile allows for a Patient Privacy Policy Domain (e.g., an XDS Affinity Domain to have a number of Patient Privacy Policies that can be acknowledged (aka consent). This allows for more flexibility to support some patient concerns, while providing an important and useful dataset to the healthcare provider. Without BPPC, the XDS profile requires that the administrators of an XDS Affinity Domain creates and agrees to a single document publication and use policy (See ITI TF-1: Appendix L). Such a single XDS Affinity Domain Policy is enforced in a distributed way through the inherent access controls of the systems involved in the XDS Affinity Domain.
Final Text TF
322 CH:ADR Authorization Decision Request
This supplement defines new functionalities for XDS-based communities concerning the enforcement of access policies. They are applied to theclinical data stored by an XDS Document Registry, as well as to the access policies themselves, which are stored in a Policy Repository. 
Trial Implementation
323 CI-SIS-CR-BIO Compte rendu d’examens de biologie médicale
Un CR-BIO structuré au format CDA R2 peut être mis en partage (dans un dossier patient mutualisé) ou échangé par messagerie sécurisée de santé avec d’autres professionnels de santé. Ensuite, ce compte rendu peut être affiché au médecin directement sur son poste de travail. Les résultats des examens de biologie médicale contenus dans ce document dans un format structuré peuvent aussi être directement intégrés dans le dossier médical informatisé du patient concerné.
Final Text
320 CONNECTIVITY Connectivity Testing
This is not a real IHE profile, but a way to create connectivity tests prior to an online event.
Trial Implementation
287 CTNN Composite Triage and Nursing Note
The composite triage and nursing note is a CDA document that may be submitted to an ED Folder in order to record the act of both triage and nursing care delivered to a patient in the emergency department. The ED nursing note is designed to support documentation sufficient to support transfer of care. It is recognized that the specification is not sufficient to document all medicolegal facets of care, and conversely that providers may not capture the entire list of sections, owing to patient presentation, acuity or time constraints. 
Trial Implementation
Délivrance nominative de Produits Sanguins Labiles Afnor 2010
Final Text
267 DEPRECATED:B-EYECARE2015 DEPRECATED:Basic Eye Care Workflow2015
Basic Eye Care Workflow Integration Profile establishes the continuity and integrity of basic patient and procedure data in the context of an eye clinic and/or an integrated hospital workflow scenario. This profile is a subset of the features defined in the Advanced Eye Care Workflow Integration profile. 
303 DEPRECATED:QME-EH2015 DEPRECATED:Quality Measure Execution - Early Hearing 2015
This profile was deprecated in fall 2016 and replaced with an updated Trial Implementation of QME-EH in 2016.
Distribution de Produits Sanguins Labiles Afnor 2010
Final Text
302 EC-Summary Eye Care Summary Record
This profile defines the structure of data that is collected for a patient’s eye care summary medical record, generally for the purpose of transfer or referral of care to another provider. 
Trial Implementation
288 EDPN ED Physician Note
The ED Physician Note is a CDA document that may be submitted to an ED Folder in order to record the care delivered to a patient in the emergency department. The ED physician note is designed to support documentation sufficient to support transfer of care. It is recognized that the specification is not sufficient to document all medicolegal facets of care, and conversely that providers may not capture the entire list of sections, owing to patient presentation, acuity or time constraints. 
Trial Implementation
297 EDR Emergency Department Referral
This profile may be used to cover a wide variety of ED referral situations, for example, primary care provider to ED Referral, Long term care to ED referral, or even ED to ED referral (as in the case of transfer from a level 2 Critical care facility to a level 1 facility).
Final Text
289 ENS E-Nursing Summary
To ensure consistent information, accurate and concise communication must be present during patient care transitions or hand off. Care transitions, or “hand-offs”, occur multiple times each day in a hospital and at every change of care location. This does not include off unit reports for lunch breaks, special procedures lab, physical or occupational therapy, or general radiology reports on the patient given by the unit nurse.

Standardization work has been initiated by the HL7 Clinical Document Architecture group, nursing process and ISO Reference Terminology Model. European eHealth has called for a summary which crosses borders and provides a timely transfer. IHE could solve the issue by creating an interoperable nursing eHealth summary which is possible to use nationally and internationally

The purpose of  the eNursing Summary Profile is to create an interoperable summary of nursing related data that communicates the ongoing patient care needs to another care provider. The data elements were determined by an international survey of 589 nurses. Data element information for the selected Use Cases are documented in a summary table for ease of comparison. 

Trial Implementation
277 ETS EMS Transport Summary
This profile details how information is shared during all aspects of patient transport.  Whenever a patient is moved between facilities and care services their information about this specific event needs to travel with them.  The ability to share this information with the transporters, regardless of transport time, is essential to complete patient care.
Trial Implementation
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