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Transaction Management

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309 LAB-1 Lab Placer Order Management
This transaction contains all the messages required between the Order Placer and the Order Filler for the management of the life cycle of the order. Its main goal is to keep a consistent vision of the order, (content and status), between the two actors.
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310 LAB-2 Lab Filler Order Management
This transaction contains all the messages required between the Order Filler and the Order Placer for the notification of a new filler order, as well as the creation of the placer order that reflects it. Its main goal is to ensure that each filler order will be represented by a placer order, and will have both a filler order number and a placer order number.
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311 LAB-3 Order Results Management
This transaction carries changes of the observation results and order status from Order Filler to Order Result Tracker i.e. corrections, cancellations.
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312 LAB-4 Work Order Management
This transaction contain all the messages required between Order Filler and Automation Manager for the execution of a work order containing a subset of tests of the filler order. The main goal of this transaction is to distribute the work to the Automation Manager, and to keep this actor informed of all patient and order updates. This transaction will be based on a push mechanism, the query mechanism never being used in this transaction.
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313 LAB-5 Test Result Management
This transaction carries the technically validated test results from the Automation Manager to the Order Filler.
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314 LAB-30 Initiates point of care testing for a patient specimen on a persistently connected POCRG
A POCRG sends to the POCDM a message containing: its own ID, the care unit ID, the ordering provider ID, the operator ID, the patient/visit ID (or QC ID) and other information related to the test to start. The POCDM identifies the operator, and checks the patient identification. It then sends the answer back to the POCRG. The answer may be positive and carry the patient&aposs identity, or negative and carry the reject reason.
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315 LAB-31 POCT observations produced.
The POCRG sends an observation set to the POCDM. The POCDM checks the content of this observation set, stores it and acknowledges it to the POCRG.
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316 LAB-32 POCT observations accepted.
The POCRG sends an observation set to the POCDM. The POCDM checks the content of this observation set, stores it and acknowledges it to the POCRG.
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317 LAB-21 WOS Download
This transaction contains the messages used to download a Work Order Step (WOS) from the Automation Manager to the Analyzer or Pre/Post-processor, according to a "push method". It includes "cnew WOS", "update WOS", "cancel WOS" and the related applicative acknowledgements. This transaction is used with Analyzers and Pre/Post-processor which work in download mode.
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318 LAB-22 WOS Query
This transaction contains the message used by the Analyzer or Pre/Post-processor to query the Automation Manager with one or more specimen (or location) identifiers, and the reply message from the Automation Manager delivering one or more WOS dedicated to each of these specimen. This transaction implements the "pull method" for requesting WOS.
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319 LAB-23 AWOS Status Change
This transaction contains the messages used by the Analyzer to report the status of an AWOS (such as "specimen arrived", "first run failed", "second run started", "AWOS complete" ...) and to send the tests results when the AWOS is complete. It also includes the related applicative acknowledgements from the Automation Manager.
320 LAB-26 SWOS Status Change
This transaction contains the messages used by the Pre or Post-Processor to report all the status changes of the SWOS, and the related applicative acknowledgements. Status changes include: "specimen arrived", "SWOS complete", "SWOS failed"...
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321 LAB-27 Query for AWOS
This transaction contains the message used by the Analyzer to query the Analyzer Manager for one specimen (or location). The Analyzer Manager will follow the exchange with a LAB-28 that delivers one or more AWOS dedicated to the specimen or indicates there is no work to perform. This transaction implements the “pull method” for requesting AWOS, which is the default behavior.
Trial Implementation
322 LAB-28 AWOS Broadcast
This transaction contains the messages used to broadcast an Analytical Work Order Step (AWOS) from the Analyzer Manager to the Analyzer, according to a “push method”. It includes “new AWOS”, “cancel AWOS” and the related applicative acknowledgements.
Trial Implementation
323 LAB-29 AWOS Status Change
This transaction contains the messages used by the Analyzer to send the tests results when the AWOS is complete. It also includes the related applicative
acknowledgements from the Analyzer Manager.
Trial Implementation
324 LAB-51 Laboratory Code Set Management
Code set distribution (battery, test, observation).
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325 LAB-61 Label delivery request
This transaction is used by the Label Information Provider to send label delivery instructions to the Label Broker.  
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326 LAB-62 Query for label delivery instruction
This transaction is used by the Label Broker to query the specimen container labeling instructions from the Label Information Provider.
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327 LAB-63 Labels and Containers Delivered
This transaction is used by the Label Broker to notify the effective labeled containers production to the Label Information Provider.
Public Comment
328 ITI-41 Provide and Register Document Set-b
Provide and Register Document Set-b
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    Copyright IHE 2024
  • Gazelle test management 6.10.4
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